Gala Night 2024: Soaring Higher

The ER Creative Group 2024 Gala night happened on the 16th of November, 2024 at NDN Talisay, Batangas. A remarkable event for the company’s success throughout the years of pure hardwork and dedication especially for the chief executive officer (CEO) Mr. Wino Enriquez. He was the man behind the success of ER Creative Group and served as the backbone of the shining glimpse of hope for the people he showed this dream back then. Last year 2023, he manifested that the company would reach its first (100M) in the industry; this year 2024 it’s happening already.

Wino (CEO) said that they would even exceed it and make it a billion peso company in the upcoming years of ER Creative Group. Truly he is somebody to watch out for. A man of his word and the hope and kindness behind ER Creative Group’s massive success are admired by many.

The CEO’s (Enriquez) only agenda is to make this advocacy a shout of joy for the people who believe that dreams do come true especially if it’s for a purpose bigger than ourselves. As their advocacy says “We build business, We build dreams”. As simple as it gets, they believe that if you put on a dream for yourself you’ll be happy and contented, but if you put the dreams of others first you will have a shining purpose for a greater good in this world.

The ER Creative Group 2024 Gala night has been nothing short of a miracle, not only for the people on top but also for the hundreds of families depending on it, and as the CEO always say “This is not only for the dreams of the people inside but for the dreams of the hundreds of families depending on company”.

This is really more than the individuals behind the camera. From the respective and hardworking employees to all of kind souls giving without wanting their names to be recognized. Teaming up to build a more successful future for everyone who believes in hope.

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